Get connected in Ukraine

Українське законодавство не визнає ідею ґендерної самоідентичності. Статева приналежність визначається біологічною статтю. Для того, щоб офіційно змінити стать, необхідно пройти медичне обстеження та корекцію статі хірургічним шляхом.

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Gender ID laws:

Ukrainian women face many problems, such as sex-based violence, employment, pay gap, misogyny, objectification, sexual exploitation etc. Women are underrepresented in many professions, science, technology, arts, economy, industry, political and social fields. We have some anti-discrimination law but it doesn't really work. Women's spaces are really under threat.

There are no important updates regarding self-identity. Gender self-identification is still not recognised in Ukraine but males who had undergone sex reassignment surgery are officially considered as women. 

Gender ID laws come from left-wing LGBTQ groups. Women-only lesbian events are considered "transphobic".