WDI newsletter

News from WDI

WDI stands with LGB Alliance, currently in court in the UK

WDI offers support and solidarity to LGB Alliance, currently in court in the UK to defend its charity status, which has been called into question by gender identity ideology lobbyists. Follow the case on the Tribunal Tweets account and read further analysis here

The Legal Onanism of Gender Identifications

Maria Binetti of WDI Argentina writes in Tribuna Feminista. 

'Penile Imperialism' by Sheila Jeffreys to launch at FILIA

Sheila Jeffrey's new book, 'Penile Imperialism: The Male Sex Right and Women's Subordination', published by Spinifex Press, will launch in person at FILIA, which takes place 22-24 October in Cardiff, Wales. 

Request WDI Bolivia: volunteers needed!

'We are expanding efforts to guarantee Bolivian women's rights based on biological sex, and we need willing and responsible volunteers to help us in this struggle.What do we do? We work, on a voluntary basis, demanding that the state guarantees that women's rights are not erased from the socio-economic and legal system. We advocate for the total separation of spaces based on biological sex and the protection of children and young people from transactivism and gender ideology, which is advancing rapidly in the USA, Spain and part of Latin America, with its eugenicist and harmful policies. If you are a Bolivian woman or descendant of Bolivians (it doesn't matter if you live in Bolivia or not) and you want to help us, send an e-mail to [email protected] so that we can get to know each other better. The only mandatory requirements are that you are a woman and over 18 years old.'

"Estamos ampliando esfuerzos para garantizar los derechos de las mujeres bolivianas basados en el sexo biológico. Y necesitamos voluntarias dispuestas y responsables para ayudarnos en esta lucha. Qué hacemos? Trabajamos, de manera voluntaria, exigiendo al Estado que las garantías que los derechos de las mujeres no sean borrados del sistema socioeconómico y jurídico. Abogamos por la separación total de los espacios, basados en el sexo biológico. Aparte de la protección de las infancias y juventudes, que no sean cooptadas por el transactivismo e ideología de género, que avanza a pasos rápidos en EEUU, España y parte de Latam, con sus políticas eugenistas y nefastas.
Si eres mujer boliviana o descendiente de bolivianos (no importa si vives o no en Bolivia) y quieres ayudarnos, envía un e-mail a [email protected] para que nos conozcamos mejor. Los únicos requisitos obligatorios es que seas mujer y mayor de 18 años.'

'Gender identity' indoctrination in US schools

Read WDI USA's report on gender identity ideology indoctrination in American schools. 

Misogynist students stage 'coup' of women's bathroom in Mexican university

'Female students at one of Latin America’s top Universities say trans activists staged a coup of a single-sex washroom on their campus, and have left some gender critical women and lesbians fearing for their lives.' Read more in Reduxx, including quotes from Laura Lecuona of WDI Mexico. 

Christina Ellingsen interview in Junge Freiheit

Christina Ellingsen, WDI Norway country contact, is interviewed in Junge Freiheit (in German). An English version is available to download on the Norway page on our website. 

Chile votes against new 'progressive' consitution

Chile has voted against a new 'progressive' constitution that would have enshrined 'gender identity'. The WDI Latin American team put out a statement and recommendations - access those here

Saturday 17 September:

Pauline Makovoveitchoux, France, her photography work, the persecutions she faces
Caitlin Roper, Australia, Sex Dolls, Robots and Woman Hating, just out from Spinifex Press
Raine McLeod, Canada, Government-Funded Defamation: How the Canadian Government is Silencing Feminists
Carol Bartle and Katrina Biggs, New Zealand, An Update from Aotearoa New Zealand

Register here

Radical Feminist Perspectives (RFP) takes place on Sundays at 10.00 UK time.

Sunday 18 September: 

The Whole Woman by Germaine Greer discussed by Laila Namdarkhan

Register here.

Sex-based rights around the world

Iranian govt to use facial recognition tech to enforce hijab law

The Iranian government has announced plans to use facial technology on public transport to identify women who are not complying with its draconian new law on dress.

Brazilian campaign 'Elas Definem' ('They define') dares to ask female candidates the question: what is a woman?

'Elas definem' means 'They define', but, in Portuguese, as in other Latin languages, the plural of 'she' is a feminine pronoun. This is the name of an Instagram account which
dares to ask Brazilian female candidates the question so many avoid - what is a woman?
The answers are both funny and sad. Almost every candidate avoided the question ('it's being a warrior', 'struggling all the time', 'never giving up') or lied ('anyone who identifies as one'). Two of the brave women who answered correctly were
Gabriela Lima, from Rio de Janeiro, and Cláudia Visoni, from São Paulo.
For asking and posting the answers, the profile is under attack and was blocked by Instagram for a couple of days. Give them a follow if you can. 

Misogynists organise protest against Lesbian Strength march

Groups calling themselves 'Antifa Leeds' and 'Trans Action Bloc' are organising a protest against the Lesbian Strength march in Leeds, which is due to take place this Saturday, 17 September, in Leeds, UK. Find out more about the march, which has some excellent women speaking, here

Serial child abuser sent to women's prison in UK

A man who carried out a campaign of sexual abuse against several children has been sent to a women's prison, despite not having a Gender Recognition Certificate. 

Man accused of physically and sexually abusing sisters bailed in Australia

A man accused of multiple counts of incest, choking, assault and sexual assault against his two younger sisters has been bailed after the court refused to send him to a male detention centre because of his 'gender identity'. 


The Forstater Verdict Has Wider Reach than You Think

'EU citizens could invoke their “Maya rights”, as the legal basis that allowed Maya Forstater to sue for discrimination in the UK applies throughout the EU.' Read Roisin Michaux's opinion piece in 4W.  

The Unbearable Coolness of Porn

'It became apparent while I was in university, completing a women’s studies degree, that the most educated, most privileged, and most invested in social status — as well as those most commonly representing the left — were also deeply invested in viewing and promoting pornography and prostitution as cool, edgy practices that were not harmful to women, but potentially empowering.' Meghan Murphy writes on porn. 

India on the cusp of a new homophobia

Four years since India struck down the archaic sodomy law, Section 377, it stands on the brink of a new homophobia. Read more, from Vaishnavi Sundar. 


WDI USA National Convention - 23-25 September. Washington DC

The WDI USA National Convention takes place at the Dupont Circle Hotel in Washington DC from 23-25 September. More information available here.

Nordic Model Now - Students for Sale conference, 15 October

Tickets and programme available here.  

FiLiA - 22-24 October, Cardiff

WDI will be holding a stall at FiLiA this year. Please come and say hello! Tickets are available here