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'The Abolition of Sex' - Facebook live book launch Friday 19 November

A Facebook Live launch for Kara Dansky's 'The Abolition of Sex: How the Transgender Agenda Harms Women and Girls' takes place on Friday 19 November at 10PM UTC, 5pm EST and 2PM PST. All welcome - guest appearances from Sheila Jeffreys, Kellie-Jay Keen, and Lierre Keith.

WHRC Germany rally postponed

Due to the current tightening of the measures related to the state of emergency in Baden-Württemberg, WHRC Germany has decided to postpone the rally announced for 27/11/21. We will announce a new date in due time. See the WHRC Germany web page for latest updates. 

Coming up at WHRC

This week's Feminist Question Time features Vaishnavi Sundar reporting from India, Natalia Amado and Rocio Seguel reporting from Chile, Naisten Rytama Ry from Finland's only women-only NGO and Denise McKenna from the Woman Is This survey. Register here. Radical Feminist Perspectives is at 10am UK time and this week features 'The Disappearing L' by Bonnie Morris discussed by Julia Long and Marian Rutigliano. Register here

Sex-based rights around the world

New IOC 'inclusion' guidelines say no presumption of male advantage 

New guidelines issued yesterday by the International Olympic Committee say that men should not have to reduce their testosterone to compete in women's sports and that there is no presumption of male advantage over women. Individual sports are left to determine their own rules. Read the guidelines in full

Assistant professor calls for the 'destigmatisation' of paedophiles

Allyn Walker, an assistant professor at Old Dominion University, has called for paedophiles to be 'destigmatised'. Walker, a female who claims a trans identity, said, '

Universities offer prostitution training courses

Universities in the UK have started offering training courses for students involved in prostitution. Sign the petition to ask them to withdraw these courses. 

Turkish woman imprisoned for insulting man

Pinar Yildirim has been sentenced to 5 months in prison for allegedly tweeting 'I don't like men'.

UK prime minister's advisers let Stonewall dictate trans policies

A former aide to Boris Johnson has warned that his advisers are allowing controversial trans rights group, Stonewall, to dictact UK government policy on trans issues. 

Teenage boy in Loudoun rape case pleads 'no contest' to second assault

The teenage boy convicted of raping a girl in the girls' bathroom at a Loudoun County school has pleaded no contest to a second sexual assault carried out at the school he was transferred to. 

Women in California prisons face assault and other harms

Research by WoLF shows the devastating impact of allowing men to self-identify into women's prisons. 

UK government agrees to investigate Professor Stock's resignation

The UK govnerment has agreed to a request from Labour peer, Lord Philip Hunt, to investigate the circumstances surrounding Professor Kathleen Stock's resignation from her post at Sussex University following a campaign of harassment and intimidation.  


Gofundme cancels Voorzij campaign

Last week we reported that Dutch bank BUNQ had closed the accounts of women's rights group, Voorzij, for failing to accept that men can be women. Since then, Gofundme has cancelled Voorzij's campaign, which had raised more than 5,000EUR to take BUNQ to court, for the same reason. See Voorzij's website for new ways to support them. 

UK signatories- ask your MP to pause the 'conversion therapy' consultation

Sex Matters is running a campaign to ask UK MPs to extend the consultation period (which has been set for an unusually short 6 weeks), to revisit the research evidence and to wait until the Cass Review into 'gender identity' services has reported. Write to your MP here


Nordic Model Now releases handbook for universities

In response to UK universities providing training courses for students involved in prostitution, Nordic Model Now has released its own toolkit, which sets out a holistic and comprehensive approach to university policy around the sex industry and how best to support students who have been impacted by it.

Democrats Like Me Are Furious With Our Party For Pushing Gender Insanity
Kara Dansky writes in The Federalist, 'Democratic Party leadership will not permit discussion about this, anywhere. But I assure readers that there are countless rank and file Democrats who are furious about it.' Read the full article

The grim reality of gender reassignment
Read Madeleine Kearns' article on the long-term outcomes and medical reality of 'gender reassignment' surgeries.

UN expert endangers LGB rights
LGB rights across the world are being dismantled by those promoting gender ideology. At the forefront of this is Victor Madrigal-Borloz, the UN's special rapporteur on SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity). Read the LGB Alliance's analysis of his report

'Practical Politics for Bold Women'
Natasha Chart discusses her new book, on how women can take action, with Meghan Murphy. 

The sex binary is not a Western construct, 'gender identity' is
'Among the many incoherent or indefensible arguments made to support the concept of “gender identity” and associated demands for legislative and policy changes, the coopting and misrepresentation of sexual minorities and gender non-conforming people in Eastern and Southern cultures may be one of the most egregious.' Read Linda Louis' article on the cultural imperialism of gender ideology from December 2020 published in Feminist Current

Fight the New Drug - resources on pornography
Fight the New Drug's website contains comprehensive resources on the harms of pornography to women, porn perrformers and consumers.

Research into UK sex offending rates
Read campaigner Clare Dimyon's  research into the rates of male and female sex offending in the UK.